The next stop… the 13th issue of DELIRIUM magazine!


In a world gone mad, it seems we need the morality and humanity of my hero Rod Serling more than ever. With that in mind, I opted to allow Delirium Magazine’s 13th issue serve as a salute to the “Father of The Twilight Zone”, with an exclusive new interview with Rod’s amazing daughter,writer Anne Serling as well as a battery of brilliant features (including a fine salute to the late, trailblazing Ida Lupino from Richelle Charkot). And a lovely original cover by my man Brian Steward. And outside of our extensive Serling loveletter(s), there’s tons of other content too, like Jason Bene’s look at the new chiller The Black Room, Lee Gambin’s continuing coverage of 1980’s Alligator and Derek Botelho’s incredible examination of Richard Rush’s Color of Night. Delirium Magazine is the “anything goes” cult film magazine I make with my partner Full Moon Features & Charles Band, which started as a document of the hundreds of weird movies he’s made over the past 40 years but has long since become its own thing, something edgy, unpredictable and always interesting. Hope you join us for this amazing new issue! It will be available to order in TWO WEEKS from – Chris Alexander, EIC, DELIRIUM