In a world where the illusions and fantasies of sex have been replaced with easily accessible pornography, we tip our hat to more sensual and stranger classic softcore cinema, with a look at Europe’s master of sex Jess Franco’s work, a dive into the retro-roughie world of Something Weird Video, boutique label Cult Epics, 90’s video store faves Surrender Cinema and much more.
We also have new, classy/trashy hot shots of TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 star Caroline Williams and SLEEPAWAY CAMP actress Felissa Rose courtesy of our visionary photographer Ama Lea, new interviews with MICROWAVE MASSACRE producer Craig Muckler and classic 80s slasher flick ICED director Jeff Kwitny and filmmaker Adam Rifkin remembers his 1990 gem THE INVISIBLE MANIAC. Throw in the horror art of Matthew Thieren and a wild chat with RAWHEAD REX director George Pavlou and BLAMMO you have what might be the weirdest, wettest and wickedest DELIRIUM yet!
Pre-order yours NOW!